Mac Chrome Kiosk Mode


Important: Chrome will be removing support for Chrome Apps on all platforms. Chrome browser and the Chrome Web Store will continue to support extensions. Read the announcement and learn more about migrating your app.

You can pass it command line args to get the kiosk mode as follows: /Applications/Google Chrome -kiosk -app= = This opens a chrome window without any window decorations, maximized to full-screen (like any other Mac App that is maximized. Mac OS X Lion Can Run in Chrome OS-Like Browser Only Mode. With Mac OS X Lion but is instead offering a nice sandboxed mode so Lion can easily act as a secure and anonymous web kiosk. Kiosk mode is basically the same as fullscreen mode, except the 'exit fullscreen' button doesn't work. The user can still quit the app because all of the menu options are still there. I've found a way to hide the menu AND the dock by modifying Chrome's permissions. Note that this fix is specifically for OSX. Planning on setting up a public access (often called a computer kiosk) Mac? You can change the Automatic Login account from the Users & Groups pane in System Preferences to configure your Mac for unattended public use. Click the Login Options button under the User list, and then click the Automatic Login pop-up menu to.

Kiosk Apps are Chrome Apps that are designed to always run fullscreen using Single App Kiosk Mode on Chrome OS and do not allow the user to exit the app. They're great for a purpose-built Chrome device, such as a guest registration desk, a library catalog station, or a point-of-sale system in a store.

A Kiosk App can be launched manually or set to automatically launch when the device boots up. You can use a Chrome device as a kiosk by turning on Single App Kiosk mode manually for each device, or across multiple devices using the Chrome management console.


How they look #

Mac Chrome Kiosk Mode Command Line

Once the Kiosk App starts, the user experience is dedicated to the tasks defined by the app. The app does not look like the traditional Chrome browser: there is no window frame, no Omnibox (address bar), no tab strip, and no other browser interface elements. So as a developer, every pixel of the screen is yours to use as you wish.

How they behave #

When a Kiosk App is configured to run on Chrome OS using Single App Kiosk Mode, the user has no control over the app's lifecycle. The user cannot exit the app or switch to another task. However, as an app developer, you can offer a 'logout' or 'exit' button within the app to close all its windows, which terminates the session and returns the user to the login screen.

Single App Kiosk Mode optimizes bandwidth use and speed by downloading and installing the app so it can launch each time without installation delays. Each time a Kiosk App launches, the system checks for updates in the Chrome Web Store to ensure that the latest app version is installed, unless the app is set to be enabled offline. Thereafter, the system checks for updates every five hours and installs the update if available. If the device is offline, the update is rescheduled to a later time when the app is back online.

Any data the app stores using the FileSystem API persists across executions of the app, allowing you to download and cache any assets your app may need while offline. As a developer, you need to ensure that user data is stored locally while offline, then synced to your data server once online (see Offline First).

Once the app is installed, it is available to anyone who walks up to the Chrome OS device. There is no need for users to log in before using Single App Kiosk Mode.

How to develop a Kiosk App #

Mac chrome kiosk mode windows 10

If you know how to build a Chrome App, then you know how to build a Kiosk App because they use the same app architecture. All you have to do is set 'kiosk_enabled' to true in your app's manifest file. Your app can then run in either a regular session or Single App Kiosk Mode. If you want your app to run in Single App Kiosk Mode only, then also set 'kiosk_only' to true. This prevents the app from being launched in a regular session. Vmware download for mac os x. For example:

To determine whether the app is being run in a regular session or Single App Kiosk Mode, you can inspect the isKioskSession boolean that's included in the launchData object from the app.runtime.onLaunched event.

Firefox Kiosk Mode

If you want to monetize your app, your app must handle all payment logic. You cannot monetize a Kiosk App through the Chrome web store payment flow.

Sample apps #

Kiosk Mode Windows 7

Last updated: Improve article