Alfred Omnifocus


OmniFocus is an amazing productivity tool, but getting access to your data could be easier. The Packal Alfred Scripts can really help. These scripts let you search and jump around your OmniFocus projects with just a few keystrokes. They're fast, they work great, and they'll save you tons of time.

Alfred Omnifocus

Once installed, you access your OmniFocus data via Alfred with (dot) codes. For example, '.f' gets you searching your OmniFocus folders. Since I have a separate folder for each client, this makes things really easy. There are a lot more though:

OmniFocus is an amazing productivity tool, but getting access to your data could be easier. The Packal Alfred Scripts can really help. These scripts let you search and jump around your OmniFocus projects with just a few keystrokes. They're fast, they work great, and they'll save you tons of time. OmniFocus 2 for Mac & Scripting. AppleScript support in OmniFocus 2 is a Pro feature—it’s extremely powerful. AppleScript is a programming language that interfaces directly with features of an application; it allows for manipulation of data or interface elements in apps that add support for it. Updated Alfred workflow to search Omnifocus less than 1 minute read There’s a new version of the Search Omnifocus workflow that supports searching & listing contexts and searching nested tasks properly. I’ve uploaded a new version of the Search Omnifocus workflow to GitHub. It now supports: searching/listing contexts. OmniFocus' action inspector on macOS really shows its age. It stacks labels above controls, groups dissimilar datatypes, and behaves in a very different manner than its counterpart on iOS/iPadOS. The result is a very narrow field filled many different types of controls.

.i – inbox
.p – projects
.c – contexts


Alfred Omnifocus

Alfred 4 omnifocus

Alfred Search Omnifocus


Alfred 4 Omnifocus

There are more commands but the above are the ones I use most. You can download the scripts and get the details here.