Evernote Clipper Iphone


Evernote を共有アプリとして設定する. 共有先のアプリとして Evernote を設定しなければならない場合があります。設定するには、ご利用のオペレーションシステムで以下の手順を行ってください。 iPad・iPhone・iPod touch. Copy and paste web content into Evernote. Open a webpage inside your mobile browser. Press and hold somewhere on the content to show the text selection options. Drag the selection up or down to select the portion of the page you want to copy. Let go and select Copy. Switch over to Evernote and start. Is Evernote really the unicorn of note-taking apps? In this article, let's take a look at Evernote's evolution and discover 75 alternatives to use in 2020. With the Web Clipper, you can clip an entire webpage to Evernote, save it as a bookmark, or even slim it down to a text-only format for minimalist consumption. You can use the Web Clipper any time by tapping the Share icon while viewing content in Safari or on just about any other app. Next, select Evernote from your share options.

  1. Evernote Screen Clipper
  2. Chrome Evernote Clipper
  3. Evernote Clipper For Silk

You are in Safari on you iPhone and you see a web page that you want to web clip but couldn’t save to Evernote. Well now you can! Evernote has recently upgraded Evernote for iOS to allow web clipping. But first, before you go crazy with this new feature, you need to do a few things.

It allows you to both save emails from Gmail and insert note links into email drafts—all without leaving Gmail. You can find the add-on to the right of your messages list in your inbox or in your email composer window. Evernote Web Clipper is a browser extension designed for web browsers like Chrome and Safari.


1. Make sure you have updated to the latest iOS and updated the latest Evernote for iOS

2. Open Safari and find a web page that you want to web clip.

Evernote Screen Clipper

3. Click the share icon at the bottom of the page.

4. The share window will display. Scroll to the right and tap More.

5. Locate Evernote and toggle on.

6. After you toggle Evernote on it will look like this.

7. Drag Evernote to the top


8. Tap Done.

Evernote web clipper iphone

9. Tap Evernote icon.

Chrome Evernote Clipper

10. Tap Save to save web clip to Evernote. By default, the web clip will be saved in your default notebook. In this example it is !Inbox.

Evernote Clipper For Silk

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