

The use of TemperamentMaker is intuitive. After opening the software,load the data of the Supplier and choose the mode of generation of the temperament. After the new window opens the cents of the new temperament are calculated, the data is exported to the main window of TemperamentMaker andthe XML code is generated. This code will besaved in the appropriate directory of Hauptwerk.

Below you can see the software screens.This software operates in multiple pages that are opened from time to time depending on the enabled function.

Electronic Bagpipes with MIDI & Wavetable Sound. The Ross Technologies MidiPipes are an affordable, high quality digital instrument, equally suitable for use as a convenient practice chanter, or with an amplifier for live performance. MIDIPipes is a Irish/Scottish Bagpipes MIDI practice chanter for the iPad.The chanter fingerings are based on those used for the Irish Uilleann.

The home page

the page to setting the cents of temperament

the page to setting the interval of temperaments

the page to setting the cycle of fifths

the file xml gerate to TemperamenteMaker

The software includes a brief tutorial that shows how to operate the program. Note that the use of the program requires musical knowledge on the different musical temperaments. No on-line assistance is available. Also note that each copy is delivered via download and the link is communicated by e-mail.

And possible to free Download in the Download page.
MidiPipeOrgan reserves the right to modify the software without notice.


Beloware proposedthetemperamentsof themainEuropean schools:



Do = C Re = D Mi = E Fa = F Sol = G La = A Si = B


Thesyntonic comma(About 22Cents)is equallyremovedfrom the fifths, it follows that the sequenceof fifthsC-G-A-D-E,inmeantonetemperamentare not purebutclose of ¼syntonic commain order to obtainthepureconsonance ofthe major thirdC-E.You will noticethat with thissubdivisiontheD isperfectly equidistantfrom CandE (MEDIOTONO), themeantone.Themeantonehas 8puremajor thirds. Fifthsare close of¼syntonic commaandalso has averylarge-fifthknown by the name ofWolf. This temperament wasusedfrom the Renaissanceto the Baroque period.


Inthis temperamentwe tryto maintainpuresminor thirds tightening thefifthof1/3of thesyntonic comma.It has9pureminor thirdsand a verylargefifthcalled thewolf.

MeantoneTemperament Silberman 1/6 di Comma

Inthis temperaments are close of1/6of thesyntonic comma.Thistemperament has beenused bySilbermanin his organs


MeantoneTemperament Zarlino with 2/7 of Syntonic Comma

Inthis temperamentthe 8major thirdsandthe 8minor thirdsarecloseof1/7 ofsyntonic comma.It hasa fifthof the wolf that is very wide.

MeantoneTemperament Sauver with 1/5 of Syntonic Comma

Inthis temperamentthe 8major thirdsarecloseof1/5 ofsyntonic comma.It hasa fifthof the wolfmore tightfrom fifth in the pure mentone temperament with 1/4 of comma.


Irregular Vallotti -Tartini's Temperament with 1/6 of Pythagorean comma

1/6of thePythagorean commais distributed in 6 fifths while therest offifthsarepure.It has threemajor thirds(C-E-G, D-F #)smallest thanPythagoreanthird.

Irregular Barca's Temperament with 1/6 of syntonic comma

1/6of thesyntonic commais distributedin 6 fifths while therest of the fiftharepure.It is similar toVallotti-Tartini's temperament butPythagoreanthirds.

Irregular Rameau's Temperament with 1/4 of syntonic comma

1/4of thesyntonic commais distributedin 8 fifths while therest of the fiftharen't pure. It presents 4 pure major thirds. You can play in the following major and minor keys C, G, D, A, E, B, F#.

Irregular Marpourg's Temperament with 1/4 of syntonic comma

1/4of thesyntonic commais distributedin 8 fifths starting from fifth F-C, while therest of fifths are little major from pure fifths. There are 4 major thirds pure.

Irregular D'Alambert - Rousseau Marpourg's Temperament with 1/4 of syntonic comma

1/4 ofsyntonic comma is distributedin only 4fifth.There is apure major third,fourtemperatefifthssuperiorandfourfifthstemperate lower than the pure.


Irregular Temperament Kirnbeger III with 1/4 of syntonic comma

1/4 ofsyntonic comma is distributedin only 4fifth. Pure major third,two third are Pythagorean and are reducedby 1/4of comma and there are twomajor thirdsPythagorean.

Irregular Temperament Werkmeister III 1/4 of Pythagorean comma

1/4 ofPythagorean comma i distributedin only 4fifth.There aren't pure major thirds, but There are three major Pythagorean third while the fifths from C to E are not equal-tempered.


Irregular Temperament Werkmeister IV with 1/3 of Pythagorean comma

Midipipe For Windows

1/3 ofPythagorean comma is distributedin 7fifth.There aren't major pure thirds but presents two major thirds higher than the Pythagorean of 1/3 of Pythagorean comma and presents a very large pitch between Bb.

Midipipe For Pc

Irregular Temperament Werkmeister V 1/4 with of syntonic comma

1/4 ofsyntonic comma is distributedin only 6fifth.There are not major pure thirds. Presents two majorPythagorean pure thirds. Itis called nervous temperament and it does not transmit sensation of calm even with small changes in tonalitiy key.

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